Your Directors Club is a premium and exclusive community of C-level executives and early entrepreneurs united by the urge to leave an indelible mark in their ecosystem. We bring together, under an impactful community, high caliber executives who share a strong professional acumen, a future oriented mindset, an inner drive to innovate and succeed and a commitment to give back to society.

Premium Standards

YDC runs under the Auspices of CEO Clubs Greece, living up to its International Standards and values...

Professional Excellence

YDC is founded by Georgia Kartsanis, reputable CEO and Leadership Transformation Coach...

Reliable Advisory

The Advisory Board members serve as Ambassadors of the Club and act as Role Models for the Members...

Reputable Community

YDC is supported by high caliber Organizations that invest on its mission and vision...

Who should join

Are you a Senior Director, actively involved in your Organization’s Leadership Team?

Are you actively pursuing your personal and professional growth?

Would you like to belong to a premium community of like-minded professionals?

Would you like to be part of the only premium Directors Club of Greece?

Do you belong to a high caliber organization, willing to invest on you?

Then Your Directors Club premium learning and networking community is welcoming your application


Your reason to join

There are some puzzling questions, one just can’t Google. No one can understand the underlying challenges and hidden opportunities of a specific market, better than its own decision makers and stakeholders. That’s why we have carefully designed our membership benefits to live up to the expectations of both, our members’ personal and professional development needs and their organization’s challenges, opportunities and growth aspirations.
A State-of-the-Art Leadership Consultancy and Advisory

offered by the most reputable Leadership Coaches and CEO/Advisors

A High-Value Network

that provides significant business insights and offers cross-industry knowledge and solid reasoning when analyzing complex issues

A Strong Reputation Enhancer

that boosts your professional brand and impact through peer referrals and recommendations

A Unique Lead Generation Opportunity

that enables our members to achieve their KPI’s through networking with fellow directors in decision making positions

Our YDC Events

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Lunch Circles

The most effective and enjoyable way to make new business connections whilst learning from guest speakers and thought leaders on hot business topics. YDC organizes 9 Lunch Circles per year.

Possibility Circles

An 8 people-group discussion to challenge yourself and others and identify what you can change and influence. All 1,5-hour group coaching sessions are under the guidance and support of an experienced leadership coach.

Inner Advisory Circles

Exclusive and confidential peer advisory groups designed around a preselected topic of interest. Each group holds 8 four-hour sessions yearly, under the guidance and support of an experienced CEO/Advisor.

Social Events

They offer our members the opportunity to network in an informal environment, share pleasurable moments and establish more personal relationships.

Workshops & Bootcamps

Remarkable thought leaders discuss a burning leadership challenge or concern, providing our members with innovative approaches to optimizing their business and boosting their personal development.

Web Circles

The most effective and digital way to keep business connections, discuss and gain insights whilst learning from guest speakers and thought leaders on hot business topics.

Upcoming Events

Calendar of Events

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YDC: The Reason Why

It’s been a decade since I founded the Greek Chapter of CEO Clubs Greece, with the belief that we learn faster, and sometimes better, from quality and successful peers who share the same beliefs and aspirations with us. And today I’m proud to say that CEO Clubs has become a community of CEOs with a winning attitude who learn and share within a trusting and nurturing environment to lead successfully their self, their people, their organization as well as influence positively their ecosystem.

Through the course of these years, I have been asked many times by senior executives to create something similar for them – a Circle of Trust – that could enable them exchange views, ideas and best practices, receive high-end advisory, develop professional skills and competencies and collectively overcome their business and personal challenges.

I considered it thoughtfully and felt that we owe it to our people to nurture them as the next generation of leaders by connecting them, inspiring them, lifting them up and helping them create the world we want to live in. I feel the passion and the calling to build and grow this unique peer platform and I invite you all to support it so we create the most healthy, unconventional and vibrant community of directors in Greece.

Georgia Kartsanis, Founder and CEO

Become a member

In a business ecosystem under rapid transformation, the key to success is the opportunity to join meaningful peer networks that enhance value adding synergies, generate cross-industry insights and lead to sustainable personal and professional development. Join our events and co-design the future of cutting-edge Directoring.
  • 1
    Select your Membership

    Select between Director’s Membership and Director’s Plus Membership

  • 2
    Fill the Application Form

    Introduce yourself by providing us some information about you and your business

  • 3
    Submit your application

    Submit the application form and we will contact you as soon as possible.


What our Partners say

A unique C-Level Executives’ community ready to be empowered and inspired. We aim to succeed on creating enlighted managers, committed to their companies and a better society.

T. Spanidis

CEO at Generation Y Group of Companies

We always support initiatives that stimulate and encourage knowledge exchange. YDC has the credentials to become the hub of the most impactful industry thought leaders.

Katerina Manou

VP Sales Middle East, Greece, Bulgaria & Cyprus, Spaces

From the very first moment of our meeting with “Your Directors Club” we felt that warm atmosphere of being welcome and among people with similar experiences and business background. The unique membership benefits and the limitless opportunities for fruitful business collaborations, motivated us to support the effort to bond Senior Executives’ community.

G. Karras

CEO & President, Fovera Prostasia

We are wholeheartedly supporting YDC because it is the one and only community of C-level executives and early entrepreneurs driving growth in business and economy by investing on their own personal growth. We are passionate for growth via growing together.

D. Mihopoulos

Managing Director, Weber Shandwick