Why Join

The value of

There are some puzzling questions, one just can’t Google. No one can understand the underlying challenges and hidden opportunities of a specific market, better than its own decision makers and stakeholders.
That’s why we have carefully designed our membership benefits to live up to the expectations of both, our members’ personal and professional development needs and their organization’s challenges, opportunities and growth aspirations.

For our members

  • A high-value network that provides significant business insights and offers cross industry knowledge and solid reasoning when analyzing complex issues
  • A state-of-the-art Leadership Advisory, offered by high caliber CEOs/Advisors
  • A sophisticated and highly customized Leadership Consultancy offered by the most reputable Leadership Coaches
  • A strong reputation enhancer that boosts professional impact by peers referrals and recommendations
  • A unique lead generation opportunity that enables our members to achieve their KPI’s through networking with fellow directors in decision making positions

For their organizations

  • A high-value network that brings back to the organization invaluable cross-sector business insights, and current market trends for targeted product/solutions design
  • A unique package of Leadership Development solutions for their key talents
  • A highly differentiated offering under their compensation and benefits scheme, that boosts their Senior Executives’ recognition and engagement
  • A valuable corporate brand reputation enhancer
  • A premium B2B sales channel to a targeted group of prospect customers